Learn to use the Interior Alchemy Map to Feng Shui Your Space


Infuse your home with soul using my easy to follow video and digital guide to harness the power of feng shui.


Change your Environment. Change your Life. 


Each area of your home represents an area of your life.

(Wouldn't you like to know what each room represents?)

Get Your Guide Today

What’s Inside?

  An Introduction

 The History of Feng Shui

Soulful Decluttering

Video Guide 

 Applying the Interior Alchemy Map

Self-Discovery Exercises

Activation To Transformation

 Let’s connect

Our environments have a powerful effect on our



They either uplift and support, or drain and disempower us.


Want to learn how? 

How will the Soulful Home 

digital guide change your life?

It's the foundation for all things feng shui!


  1.  You'll identify what area of your life needs the most attention and clarify your souls' calling. For example, are you: 

 - Seeking financial growth and expansion

 - Calling in a supportive and loving relationship

 - Looking for a boost in your health and vitality

 - Seeking guidance and clarity on your career path? 

 - Discovering your purpose

  1. I'll show you with an easy to follow video teaching, how to use the Interior Alchemy Map. This is the foundation for implementing feng shui remedies in your space. 
  2. You'll learn to identify the most potent area in your home to begin for the greatest impact in your life.
  3. I'll reveal how to activate your space to be open to receive, and you'll watch your life transform!
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What is the Interior Alchemy Map?

The Interior Alchemy Map is a grid layout that you apply to your home. It's based on the ancient Chinese Bagua - a 6000-year-old mystical and practical compass - used to identify the best place to live by amplifying vitality and success.

How Does it Work?

Align the map with your space and find out just which parts of your home resonate with wealth, relationships, wisdom, travel, and more. I'll show you how in my easy to follow video included with the eBook!

Interior Alchemy is not only about changing your environment.

It’s about transforming your life. 


Interior Alchemy isn’t just about how you arrange your space. It's about discovering what your space is saying about you!

It's a two step process:

When you take inner-inventory and let go of beliefs that no longer serve you, then you can be intentional with your surroundings and create supportive environments that have the power to transform your whole life. 

Interior Alchemy is the wisdom of feng shui infused with spiritual psychology to create living spaces that look good and feel good because they have Soul!

Ready to infuse your home with Soul? 



Meet Laura 

Gleaned from my decades of experience as a Feng Shui Master, Interior Designer, Realtor, and Spiritual Psychologist, I’m here to share my secrets for creating spaces with soul that both look and feel good!

I’ll show you how to empower your home with intentional design to support your life’s dreams - because when you empower your environment you attract a life of purpose, positivity and power. When your space is harmonious your life flows so much better!

Meghan Zuvelek - Founder, SHEVOLVE

Laura Vida's Book, Soulful Home, has completely shifted the way I think about space by enabling me to consciously move through my home and understand what my "stuff" is actually calling in. After working through her eBook (and workbook, which is also excellent), I've been able to make intentional changes in my home, which reflect what I want to attract in my life.

I'm already seeing and feeling the energy of my home shift.

I highly recommend Laura’s work.


Jodi Dodd - Yoga Instructor

Thank you, Laura, for providing this easy-to-follow ebook and video that showed me how to use feng shui to change my life!

I had no idea that each room of my home and the objects within held so much significance!

I feel much lighter already and can't wait to apply this knowledge to more areas of my home and my life! 



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